The Bowen Technique
The Bowen Technique
The Bowen Technique was developed in the 50-70s by Tom Bowen, a self-taught manual therapist from Australia. Tom Bowen drew his inspiration from shiatsu, a Japanese manual therapy based on meridian knowledge and Chinese bodywork, as well as from various other manual therapies. He also understood the importance of a healthy and balanced diet and of a proper hydration for physical well-being in general, and as a pre-condition for the body to re-balance itself.
While being gentle, painfree, and non invasive, the Bowen Technique often achieves spectacular results and has proven its effectiveness in a very wide range of applications.
What does it treat?
The Bowen Technique treats the person not the condition. As it works by stimulating the self-healing process, you can use it on almost everything. The Bowen practitioner does not make a diagnosis or interfere with medical treatment. In case a problem persists after a few Bowen sessions, the client should seek medical attention. The following problems respond particularly well to the Bowen approach:
Anxiety, nervousness, stress-related issues
Emotional issues
Insomnia, sleep pattern disruption
Faster recuperation after illness, operations or accidents
Back pain, sciatica
Bad circulation, high or low blood pressure
Dyslexia, dyspraxia
Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia
Digestive problems, IBS, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease
Headache and migraine
Earache, hearing problems, tinnitus, vertigo
Eyes, vision, blocked tear ducts
Muscular stiffness and pain
Hormonal imbalance
Joint pain, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, knees, ankles
Pelvis, hips
Respiratory problems, asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, flu, sinusitis
Repetitive strain disorder, carpal tunnel syndrome
New born: colic, sleep, feeding problems