How To Tap
If you are new to EFT, it is always a good idea to have at least one session with a qualified EFT practitioner. An experienced practitioner will be able to target specific issues and quite literally “tap” into underlying emotional blockages that you may not even have been aware of. It may take several sessions to finally unravel the layers of negative emotions that have built up over the years. Although the initial results are usually very impressive, EFT should be seen as an exciting journey that becomes richer and more intense the further you delve into it.
Of course, once you have experienced an EFT session, you may also wish to pactise EFT on yourself and in the privacy of your own environment. Below you will find an outline of the basic EFT “recipe” to help you get started.
Set-up statement on karate chop (KC) point.
You don’t have to know the meridians to tap sucessfully
Then, tap 6-8 times on:
- Eyebrow (EB)
- Side of Eye (SE)
- Under Eye (UE)
- Under Nose (UN)
- Chin (Ch)
- Collarbone (CB)
- Under Arm (UA), and end at
Top of Head (ToH)
These points correspond to the following meridians
- EB: Baldder meridian
- SE: Gall bladder meridian
- UE: Stomach meridian
- UN: Governing vessel
- Ch: Central vessel
- CB: Kidney meridian
- UA: Spleen meridian
- ToH: Meeting of 100 pathways, covers all meridians
You can also tap on the points on the side of the nail of:
- Thumb (Th)
- Index finger (IF)
- Middle finger (LF), as well as
- Gamut point (G) (on the back of and between the bones of ring and little finger).
Th: Lung meridian
IF: Large intestine meridian
MF: Heart protector
LF: Heart meridian
KC: Small intestine meridian
G: Triple warmer meridian

Basic EFT Recipe
- Check the emotional level of the problem, locate it in your body and rate its intensity on a scale of 0-10.
- Set-up statement: while tapping on karate chop point (or rubbing sore spot), repeat three times:
“Even though (insert problem), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
- Take 2 fingers and tap 6-8 times on each point while staying focussed on the problem, repeating “this xxx” at each point.
“This (insert problem as above).” - Take a deep breath and check your emotional level, and what has changed when you revisit the problem.
- Repeat the process if any intensity remains or if any other issues come up.
Set-up statement on karate chop (KC) point
Pour résumer:
Then, tap 6-8 times on:
- Eyebrow (EB)
- Side of Eye (SE)
- Under Eye (UE)
- Under Nose (UN)
- Chin (Ch)
- Collarbone (CB)
- Under Arm (UA) and end at Top of Head (ToH)
You can also tap on the points on the side of the nail of
- Thumb (Th)
- Index finger (IF)
- Middle finger (MF)
- Little finger (LF) as well as
- Gamut point (G) (on the back of hand between the bones of ring and little finger).